Mac Andre Arboleda

Mac Andre Arboleda is an artist interested in exploring the sickness of the Internet through research and dialogue, art and text, organizing and publishing.

Big Bang Theory - Mac Andre Arboleda.jpg

Mr Robot x The Scream


The Big Bang Theory and Mr Robot x The Scream, both digital collages, are offspring of early Tumblr age meme aesthetic, the latter piece becoming one of the most shared images I’ve produced. A question I ask myself: who profits from user-generated images that go viral on social media platforms? How do we think about “originality” in digital landscapes?

The Big Bang Theory

Mr Robot x The Scream - Mac Andre Arboleda.jpg
Ultimately futile and with no conclusion.jpg

Ultimately futile and with no conclusion

Ultimately futile and with no conclusion (2018) takes its cue from the longstanding debate on art and pornography. The series is a collection of screenshots of hanged artworks from selected porn videos found online, a few from websites that have been banned during the Duterte administration. The title is a reference to a quote from pornographer Ben Dover in a 2002 article from The Guardian entitled "It's art. But is it porn?"

Slambook (For Sale)

What do nudes and data breaches have in common?

Slambook (For Sale) is an 18-page e-zine (PDF). Triggered by the Facebook data breach reported in April 2021 which included my personal information and of at least 879,699 other Filipinos, I wanted to interrogate the many ways in which we make ourselves vulnerable in digital contexts. How separate are data and body? How much money is made in its trafficking?

Slambook (For Sale) - Mac Andre Arboleda.png

Jon Deniega


Manuel Arabit